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There is nothing mysterious about success in university. It does not ugg boots online depend on good luck, nor does it simply result from a high IQ. Instead, it is attained much in the same way a farmer looks after his crops: sowing the seeds, nurturing growth, and finally, harvesting the rewards.

By showing the seeds I mean you should develop a genuine interest in ugg boots australia your main subject. This is a crucial, yet too often overlooked step. If you do find your subject interesting from the very beginning, consider yourself among the lucky ones. But many students find their subject not as interesting as they wished them to be, and live with that disappointment all through the four years. That hardly seems to be a hopeful way to success! Yet you do not necessarily to be born with an interest in your subject. By making active efforts, such as reading easy, amusing introductory books or talking ugg boots outlet canada with your teachers, you may gradually discover its appeal.

The next step, nurturing growth, is not about cramming your minds with important facts and figure. It consists of discovering the proper approach to your subject and a lot of reading and thinking. No one can tell you what approach suits you best, for you have to find it ugg boots online men out by yourself through comparing and thinking. But there are certain bad approaches that everybody should avoid. For example, if you are an English major, poring over vocabulary pamphlets day in, day out will get you nowhere, because it is the worst, though currently very important at this stage, without which reading ugg boots australia caspia would do more harm than good. for reading is supposed to kindle thinking, not to stifle it; to stir imagination, not to kill it to generate questions, not to provide ready answers; to open your mind, not to clog it.

If you have taken good care of the above two steps, there would be little to worry about the last: ugg boots online uk shop harvesting rewards. That should come as a natural result of four years' hard, effective work rather than an  http://cfgnfd593.blogspot.com  obsession with success. Such rewards do not have to be in material forms, nor do they have to be measured by the scores on your report cards or by the number of honorary titles you get.

It is not a success story, though, for looking back, I wish I could have done better.

